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Welcome to Millman's Mansion: A Historic Residence with a Rich Heritage

Julius Ferdinand Kuhl's Legacy

In the Sixties of the Eighteenth century, Julius Ferdinand Kuhl, mansion previous owner, built his house, almost on the top of Sixteenth century guesthouse ruins. He was managing restaurant and shop placed on the ground floor of his home then.  

Unfortunately, the building mentioned before did not last, destroyed during World War II. It is said to have been shaped as it was village house, but its main distinguishing feature was roughcast. The guests used to be welcomed by a wooden signboard with owner's initials engraved in it.

Historic Gardens and Architecture

On the other side a the street known today as Zwycięstwa watermill and the bakery were located. Kuhl property consisted also of stables, also for wagons, granary and flour magazine. From all of these only the magazine is preserved. Its address is Zwycięstwa Street 164. That part of the Millman's Mansion is gone but the villa with a garden embracing it survived the War, moreover our house and place that we have prepared for You last till this day. 

Love Story of Ida and Rudolf in 1868

How the idea of founding that, not entirely consistent with the rest of the village, residence was born? Imagine that You are one of the villager, o maybe local vendor. In a Anno Domini 1868 You would definetely hear about the engagement (in late Sixties Kuhl was well known in the neighborhood) between Ida from the House Romeyke and Rudolf, Julius son, from the House Kuhl. They wee the reason behind bulding that classical residence, on the top of the nearest hill with its most representative facade visible from the Zwycięstwa Street, former Kings High Road. It was surrounded by a garden, famous because of admissions that Ida used to organize.

Preserving History: Our Family's Journey

After the War, our family returning from Trembowla in the present Ukraine, acquired the mansion. Unfotunately garden in our inner yard and old trees near the street is all what is left from historic gardens.

Dining room lies on the house's axis of symmetry. From the outside, facade is enriched by an indicating grapevine. Decorative eaves with hand painted coffers on the soffits can be seen from the inner yard. The porch, inspired by the ones in Sopot, was added later, on the beginning of the twentieth century. the basement, with its entrance under the arbor still manages to draw the attention of some of the passers- by. The old well marks the yard's centre. Every edifice mentioned above, including the ones where our apartments are located, is listed in the historic sites registry.

Listed as Historic Site

In 2002, we were awarded by Monument Conservators Association, Monument Conservators Association, Art Historians Association, Polish Artists Association and the Chapter of the Conservatory Award named after Professor Jerzy Stankiewicz for this historic site preservation.

From the very beginning cobblestones of this yard have witnessed great changes for both family and whole country, moments of happiness and tragedy. 

Now, after lasting for almost century journey we welcome You in our place, place one of a kind. 

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